Adopt OER: Replace High-Cost Materials
Our OER Resource Hub has a wealth of easily accessible affordable learning materials that have been peer reviewed by faculty and/or subject matter experts.
These OERs are applicable to a wide variety of disciplines and courses:

Attribute the OER
Note: Information from this page has been derived from Canvas Instructure.
Attribute the OER to properly give credit to the creator or copyright holders as required by U.S. copyright law. A good rule of thumb is to follow TASL:
- Title
- Author
- Source
- License

Deliver OER to Students
Provide a link for students to view the OER online or to download it. For assistance with accessibility, please contact:
- SF State’s Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC)
phone: (415) 338-2472
Encourage feedback from your students on usability and access; their feedback is an important component of successful course transition to OER.

Next Steps
Receive funding for your idea through our year-round open grant applications.
- All 100% of applicants have received funding!
Share your success story with us on social media!
Get featured in our Instagram or Twitter stories and get highlighted in our faculty engaging posts.
Use the hashtag #SFStateAffordableLearning